which may take quite some years plus a little prodding from Chevalier, she discovers that she has a perfectly good brain too. Usually, it's in brand new condition as a result of never having been used, and contains a fascinating collection of latent talents which were nev- er allowed to develop on the masculine side because they were 'unmanly. Unsuspected sources of poetry, sketching etc, come to light and Virginia must need an over-sized incinerator to handle our combined "lit- erary" output.
Her functions also include release and relaxation from the "push hard" atmosphere of the industrial world She offers a touch of soft lights and sweet music to re- place the screaming machinery and glaring arcs; soft curves for relief from those eternal square metallic corners; an excuse to really get rid of that film of greasy grime; and refuge from the sort of person who keeps phoning up for free advice on the hydrogen com- pressor he's designing for use on the moon. (Of course there's no hiding completely; not long ago I stood for half an hour in a long black velvet evening gown and my tightest shoes, with earrings this long on, direct- ing over a 1500 mile phone line the rehabilitation of a balky missile system.)
Regardless of what causes us, TV engineers in gen- eral seem to be successful. We not only handle the expense, hard work and dangers of this fascinating double life, but also do pretty well professionally. The TV has an inherent desire to achieve the imposs- ible, so this quality makes the TV engineer agressive in his profession; and the active imagination is a fert- ile ground for the seeds of inventiveness. Perhaps we are a little more intuitive than our "one-headed" com- petitors; or perhaps the constant presence of a built- in nagging woman keeps us on our toes. On the other hand, I really can't recommend that all engineers be- come TV's. There must be an easier road to success- and anyhow, the supply of TV's probably exceeds the demand already.
A "Practical Nurse" is one who marries a rich patient!.